For individuals who do not have insurance or are choosing not to use their insurance company, our self-pay rates are as follows:
What are the benefits of self-pay?
There are a variety of reasons why someone might prefer self-pay over using their insurance coverage. Many people do not realize that when using your insurance, your therapist must disclose, with your consent, your personal information in order to verify your eligibility, pre-authorize services, and process claims to obtain payment. This includes things such as your psychiatric diagnosis, your treatment plan, the nature of the issues you are discussing, and how long you have been in treatment. When an individual chooses to self-pay as opposed to utilizing insurance, both treatment and confidentiality remain between you and Avers & Biddle Associates LLC.
Reunification Therapy:
Payment is expected at the time of service. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please call for more information about our sliding scale fees. Cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover card Accepted.
Insurances Accepted:
Other various insurances. Please call or email to verify.
EAP Benefits Policy
Policy for Clients Utilizing EAP Benefits
To ensure a smooth process when using your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits, please adhere to the following steps:
- 1Notification: Inform your Therapist about your EAP benefits prior to your first appointment.
- 2Notification: Inform your Therapist about your EAP benefits prior to your first appointment.
- 3Required Information: Provide your Therapist with the following details:
Important Notice: If EAP information is provided after services have been rendered, we will not reprocess past claims. We will bill your EAP, if it is a participating company, starting from the date we receive the necessary information.